May 14, 2012

Burnt orange and pastels.

Pastels have been really prominent this season, but sometimes it is nice to break up the sea of pale, yet pretty shades with a bold, rich colour. I was just toying around on asos' fashion finder and I compiled this outfit using pastel colours with an accent of colour - burnt orange. 

Dress - Miu Miu, Necklace - Rosita Bonita at Boticca, Shoes - Portney Blush, Bag - Steve Harkin at Boticca, Earrings - Chanel. 

This burnt orange bag is stunning. I am a sucker for patent bags and shoes, so this bag is right up my alley. Some tips for achieving this look are to use pieces that are related to each other. By this I mean, use two patent items if the richer coloured item is also patent (such as in this outfit). Or through the use of a necklace like the one used above, which combines both colours to create a sense of harmony to the outfit. As you will find, I am not one for too many accessories. To me, accessories have to be needed in order to bring another facet to an outfit. If an outfit doesn't need anything else, it doesn't make sense to add fifteen rings and ten bangles into the mix. 

A great way to toy with different trends and ideas is to use Asos' Fashion Finder, like I have here. To browse through my fashion experiments here.

Make sure to always experiment, and then experiment some more!


jenna roux.

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